With the current administration there is:
what you see and hear, and
what is actually going on.
Trump and Musk are always conning the public, and Congress goes along with the con. They duped their constituents. The list I just saw of DOGE waste and abuse “discovered” was simply a list of approved projects and contrived BS line items. The list was long to cover up the scam line items. Nothing I saw showed actual waste or abuse. I once worked for a logistics company that had a subsidiary that stored the condoms for the U.S Government. The first line item in DOGE’s list has to do with condoms. Fraud, Waste, Abuse? Not.
Musk has flooded his social media site with claims that DOGE is cutting programs that he claims are wasteful or fraudulent, although so far he has yet to provide any proof of his extravagant claims.
No one was under oath. The pricing data was not certified. They can and have lied. I think testimony under oath and certified cost and pricing are mandated if a tax cut is weighing in the balance. People lying and submitting fake cost and pricing data have their own place in my country. That is jail. That is fraud.
I also trust Federal employees’ stewardship of the public trust more than I trust Elon and Donald. I worked many years with those Federal employees. They hold sacred their stewardship of the public trust. I know Elon and Donald will use hyperbole and malign and defame these good stewards based on nothing factual. I know that Elon and Donald are liars. Theirs is also a stewardship, but only of their own billfolds. You know that. You know they are cons. Con Men.
San Francisco’s notorious Barbary Coast con games exploited sailors for a hundred years. Can you spot a con man in this picture? What about on today’s national stage? If you can not, your soundness of mind is in question
The names of the slashed projects looked a little off, but it is the project justifications that must be scrutinized. DOGE’s credibility is not earned here. I don’t buy BS. I have been conned at the National Peanut Festival Fair in Dothan, AL, but I figured out the cons and didn’t linger long.
The End Goal. So what do I think Trump and Musk are doing? I work backwards from their end goal to what actions they take and what they say today. Guessing the end goal is the key. In that manner, I can figure out the whys and the wherefores of the current steps in their con game. What is the end goal that I see?
Massive income and capital gains tax cuts.
Why do Trump and Musk need that massive tax cut and relief from capital gains? They face massive personal tax liabilities, and 37% hurts when you make $4.5 billion a year like Musk. That is only part of it, but to Musk, that part is $140 million/month in personal income taxes. It is an imperative to Musk that we must get him a tax cut, so 6,000 National Park, Forest Service, and Interior employees are fired this week. On the street you go. Such caring souls, that Trump and Musk. Enough to make a true Republican proud.
But like I said, there’s much more to it. Think Bitcoin gains. Bitcoin was $25,000 a year ago. It is now $100,000. If you sell any, you get to pay those short-term capital gain taxes at the personal income tax rate, 37%. Tesla has $1.4 billion in bitcoin holdings of which we know. Trump also is holding, and Trump is on a path to make bitcoin investment grade. To that end, he will exploit the U.S. Treasury. He can direct huge Treasury bitcoin purchases. That will inflate bitcoin prices drastically. Trump will personally gain in that bitcoin price run up. How much gain could that be?
Even Larry Fink has openly suggested that an unprecedented rally could soon unfold. “There was a conversation: should we have a 2% allocation? Should we have a 5% allocation?” BlackRock’s chief executive officer disclosed during a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, on January 22. “If everybody adopted that conversation, it would be $500,000, $600,000, $700,000 for Bitcoin.”
Trump is going to set us up with a U.S. Treasury Strategic Bitcoin Reserve. My my, that will make bitcoin prices rise further. See the grift?
On a project that I worked for 5 years, we put 750 million barrels (750 MMB) of oil in the ground as the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserves. Oil is not speculative. Bitcoin is speculative. Crude oil has an industrial use and a hedge is a true investment. How much oil? $20 billion in oil was stored in our strategic reserve. Bitcoin is a game called “will you pay me more than I paid for it”. It is a CONFIDENCE game. Ask Warren Buffett what he thinks.
So I was interested to know what everyone thought was behind, and what was going on, with the DOGE fraud, waste, and abuse findings. I expect more lists and large amounts to be “exposed’ with no backup data. Not a single listed project has any proof of fraud. I always sniff the first line item to sense the con game. I think that was condoms being sent somewhere by USAID. HIV containment, I presume. The gross immaturity of Musk is appalling.
Then there was canceling DEI contracts to save $billions. (Trust me here on that, Musk pleads.) There were 230 unspecified contracts cancelled across 43 agencies. (Trust me here on that, Musk pleads.) I am not trusting those two crooks anywhere on anything. They have earned no trust. Musk’s role has been clarified. He is just stated by the Administration as a Senior Advisor to the President. As such he has no authority to do anything. They deny he is the leader of DOGE. The blatant subterfuge! All firings, employment lawyers say, violates employee protection laws. That will be coming back on us.
A big line item I saw has to do with election fairness: $480 million. That is not waste, thank you very much., it is simply a large amount. In the list of savings I see out and out fraudulent misrepresentations. $35 billion saved from the Federal Employee Buyout Program. What are they doing? They are making shit up to add up. A big total $ number is needed. They cannot get there by firing employees that are in their probationary period. They will need bigger fraud.
People retiring is not a savings and the pensions are paid by the Treasury. People terminated without cause will file lawsuits and recover way more than their salary and benefits. I see no savings at all. I see Fraud. With a capital F, and that stands for Fraud. The bigger line items on the list are not up front on the list, as you would expect. They hope to bury you in minutiae until your senses go numb. I don’t get numb with data. I thrive on it. Look for yourself.
I see Trump and Musk getting louder on this. I expect to hear their crescendo when the tax cut bill surfaces.
Liar. Louder. Lies. A “con game” is such common lexicon we forget what it really means. My wife Beth was surprised to learn it means a CONFIDENCE game. You see, Trump and Musk are using false propaganda to create public CONFIDENCE that they have found massive fraud, waste, and abuse; hence, the fake project lists with no backup data. They have not found anything of note.
Making room in the budget for a large tax cut undergirds Trump and Musk’s “plan”. They both face huge tax bills on personal taxes and bitcoin gains. I hear people exclaim how unfair this is for those kicked into unemployment. As I mentioned before, two things come to mind:
Narcissists only care about “me”: numero uno.
Psychopaths have no empathy: nada.
That means Trump and Musk only care about the Treasury $ dollars that they can keep unspent to fund their tax cut. No. That is not true. Let me restate that.
Trump and Musk only care about the Treasury $ dollars that they can make you think is saved.
It is a CONFIDENCE game. That is the only part their “plan” has. Some thought the Federal workforce firings was to infill with Trump loyalists. That one storyline has disappeared, through sleight of hand. It is the “$ dollars reserved for a tax cut plan”.
Now get this. Trump and Musk will say that have eliminated $300 billion a year ($3 trillion over 10 years). Balderdash! It will not be true or anywhere close, but watch for this fraudulent claim. It will be much closer to $0.00.
If there is a tax cut, it will be funded in deficit dollars for your grandchildren to pay. Trump and Musk could care less about that. They only care about their own billfolds. We as a people will suffer.
All they need is public CONFIDENCE with which to provide cover for Republican Congresspeople to get that tax cut passed. That is their real objective. Yes, all of their work is to provide cover for Congress to pass the tax cut. That is the gist of it. That is how little they think of your intellect. They think you are the stupid. The mindless masses.
While the courts are erasing and stopping their efforts, Trump and Musk will continue to lie about their exploits. You know that, and those two liars will get louder and louder until they flood the zone.
Republicans always stiff the majority of the American people with these tax cuts. They kick back to their donors with these tax cuts, but this next one is way more personal to Trump and Musk.
Expect to see Musk jumping much higher and saluting with a much straighter, and a shouting Sieg Heil!
Trump and Musk only need to sway Congress to their ends, and they need public CONFIDENCE that they saved enough. That is all. Are we going to let them go on with this charade and this CONFIDENCE game?
The next fork in the road, no one knows what con will unfold. Grab a flashlight. We are in the dark now.
How right you are! Why would anyone believe a pathological liar like Trump? Musk lies on a regular basis. Vance even admitted he makes things up if it serves his aim. The American people will never see a dime of these "savings" and our services will be reduced.
There are too many people who do not know how things actually work but hold strong opinions that are not easily swayed based upon their ignorance which they will not acknowledge but deny.
You see how complicated and nuanced the preceding sentence was? That is way too much for many folks to read. They would prefer a little snippet that appeals directly to the emotions and tacitly informs them on what to do AND how they feel about it.
Case in point: the price of eggs no longer dominates the airwaves.