Suffice it to say the agenda is not stewardship. The agenda is rape of the U.S. Treasury.
How would he do that? Big ticket items where nothing else existed are needed for him to get a good slice of the pie.
That is why schools are on his dessert menu. Schools are $857 million per year. That is a brand new $1 trillion/year pie.
He wants a big slice of that. That is what all the “school hoopla” is about. He has billionaires lusting. Do you really think he cares about education? Ha ha ha. Sure Donald always has been an education zealot.
Another big new pie, a really big show for you tonight, is the deportation camps. There are models for these. Few understand the complexity. These are not prisons they are detention camps where families live.
The Detention Camp in Crystal City, Texas, 1944. This camp held 3,374 detainees. We will need camps 5 times larger than this.
Let us take a deeper look on divvying up the pies that we do see:
School Pie. If we privatize schools we create a new business. Think of it: 115,000 schools.
There are 96,000 public schools and 19,000 private schools. There are 80 million students, kindergarten through high school. This is a big business: $857 billion per year of federal and state funding.
Think of the possible graft in letting those contracts. I think $1 trillion per year is really good new graft material where nothing before existed as a business opportunity. That Donald sure knows how to drain the U.S. Treasury. His only problem is they are state schools. He is struggling with that part, but don’t worry. Donald’s sees the $857 billion/year prize. I see his greed.
Deportation Camp Pie. “Get’em Up. Move’em Out.” Rowdy Yates on Rawhide. The round up has to have a drop off point and that will be the closest detention camp. I contemplate 20 such camps. Let me explain. The backlog is 10 million immigrants. That will grow annually 10%.
Single camp size: 15,000 people, think of Bainbridge, Georgia, or any city near you of 15,000 people.)
15,000 acres = 25 square miles (5 miles by 5 miles)
Land use. On the nearly 15,000 acres of land, the camp will have vegetable gardens, hogs, cattle, and chickens to fulfill the needs of the population.
The typical camp will be 1200 buildings, a 65-bed hospital, 10 dining facilities and restaurants.
Operate/Maintain. At each camp there will be really big NEW business:
Schools (6)
Hospital (1)
Health Clinics (3)
Camp Administration, Burser, and Management (1)
Communications and Internet department
Dining facilities and restaurants (10)
Bulk Fuel Storage (1) and gas stations (3)
Warehousing and cold storage facility contractor
Food services contractor
Central Issue Facility and Operations
Camp convenience stores (4)
Laundry services contractor
Emergency medical services contractor
Facilities O&M contractor
Construction Department
Fire Department
Water Department
Sewage Department
Security Department
Parks and Recreation Department
Morgue Department
Roads and Grounds maintenance contractor
Waste management contractor
Transportation and motor pool contractor.
Cost to feed 1 person, $12 per day. This will be a $70,000,000/yr. food service contract. Since I cook and I did BD work for Aramark, Sodexo, and Gulf Coast Catering (GCC), I can take this contract. Where do I sign the contract? (What? That is not the criteria? I’m not a billionaire? I am disqualilified? What?)
Cost for laundry for 1 person, $2 per day. This is a $10,000,000/yr. laundry contract.
A camp for 15,000 will cost $300 million per year to run, not including $200 million each for building the camp. Then 20 camps will be needed, minimum. $4 billion for design/construction, $6 billion per year operations and maintenance, and a 10-year gig.
Number of Camps Needed: 20 for 300,000 people (incarcerated for 6 months). At this rate, the 10 million backlog will clear in 10-15 years depending on the influx.
I think $4 billion in construction and $6 billion per year O&M per camp is really good graft material where nothing before existed as a business opportunity.
Then the post office privatization…
That Donald knows how to drain the U.S. Treasury.
Much of the media is the enemy of the people, and swung the last election to Trump via daily barrages that overlooked a felon, a sexual abuser, a grifter, a noted crook as if equal to the other candidate. This was criminal, and they should be treated as such. Boycotted. ABC has pointed Trump to a very lucrative market where people obey in advance. Sue the media, a brand new market for the grifter. Graft is Donald Trump’s agenda and intention. Legal graft is best, but not the BIG buck$. That is a distraction from what is really in play. How about privatizing the post office? An illegal graft pipeline. How about privatizing schools? An illegal graft pipeline. How about building and operating detention centers? An illegal graft pipeline. Kickbacks that you will never see: the bitcoin exchange, the Kushner-Saudi lashup, etc.
I know I need to say this:
Friend, I’m both delighted and astounded that you are here with me. It does my heart good that you care this much to have found my voice in this wilderness. Welcome! Thank you!
Paid subscribers enable my efforts to get these words out. I have dedicated myself to making this country a better place not just for all of us, but also for future generations. The children are my first thought.
Please consider becoming a paid subscriber; it helps more than you know, but regardless – I’m truly glad to see a fellow traveler, and look forward to our conversations. Comments are turned on for everyone as I want to hear your thoughts. Solidarity, friendship, and a common cause say “Let’s work together.”
HOT BUTTONS is read across 41 US states and 11 countries.
Once a thief and raper, always a thief and raper? There are some criminals for whom rehabilitation is impossible. Do you have any solutions or ways to stop this and to promote integrity? They are most welcome.
Thank you. I appreciate all the help I can get to keep on going. If good people do not stand up, evil triumphs, as I know you know!